Big Bertha: Sumter County’s Iconic Tow Truck

Apr 4, 2023

John Evans Garage, now known as Evans Trailers in Sumter, South Carolina, has operated for more than 100 years. Despite no longer serving as a car repair garage, Evans once operated one of the most iconic tow trucks in the County: Big Bertha. Big Bertha was a Ford Model-A tow truck from the early 1930s. She would have featured a 40-50 horsepower 4-cylinder diesel engine, with a 3 speed manual transmission. While her color is unknown to the Museum, she was emblazoned with the words “Turn Em Over Boys Big Bertha Don’t Care” on both sides of her tow bed. She also featured a large sign on her roof that read “BIG BERTHA”. Evans Garage used Big Bertha to tow more than just cars, as there are photos of her hauling large tree stumps, and other organic materials. The exact length of Bertha’s service and her fate are unknown, but dating on photos suggests she was in use until at least the mid 1940s.

Photos of Big Bertha are available to view at the Sumter County Museum, and John Evans Garage now known as Evans Trailers, is located on Highway 15 in Sumter.